Many traditional industrial marketing approaches are becoming less effective due to changing buying behaviors. Customers are taking control of their marketing exposure – knowing what they want to learn, and when and how they want to learn it. 

Inbound Marketing for Industrial Manufacturers in: Attracting Your Niche Customer

Written by Dan Konstantinovsky
Strategic Marketing, RH Blake

Many traditional industrial marketing approaches are becoming less effective due to changing buying behaviors. Customers are taking control of their marketing exposure – knowing what they want to learn, and when and how they want to learn it. 

Why inbound marketing for industrial marketers?

Here are a few fast facts that should guide the answer.

B2B customers are nearly 70% through the decision-making process before ever contacting a supplier.
90% of B2B consumers never respond to cold outreach.
61% of B2B transactions start online.
Engineers invest more than 20% of each week consuming content online.
94% of B2B buyers use online research to make purchase decisions.

Industrial customers are taking control of their marketing exposure

Manufacturers must insert themselves into this space with content that aligns with prospects’ unique interests. That content must not only capture attention, but guide the customer through the sales cycle to close the deal – and then help continue to foster the relationship.

How? Following are several basic questions and answers concerning inbound marketing for industrial manufacturers in today’s economy.

Who – and which types of industrial manufacturers should focus on inbound marketing?

Who should be concerned about inbound marketing and its latest trends? Any industrial manufacturer who wants to generate leads in a more purposeful and scalable way than referrals.

Strategies that worked in the past are simply no longer effective. Manufacturers desiring to entice niche clientele and grow their businesses can’t ignore this move toward online content that attracts, converts, closes and delights. This four-part cycle is key to future success for any industrial manufacturer competing for customers in today’s competitive landscape.

What exactly is inbound marketing for industrial manufacturers?

What exactly is inbound marketing? This strategy focuses on attracting prospects to your website, converting those visitors to leads, nurturing them, turning them into sales and providing value after their purchase to delight them and invite them back.

The heart of this strategy is to meet the needs of your potential buyers. Rather than shout the praises of your company, it offers engaging content that is helpful to prospects. It covers topics of interest to your niche market. This content draws them to your site, where they can learn more and discover what you have to offer – at their convenience.

When should industrial marketers consider implementing an inbound marketing program?

When is the right time to implement new inbound marketing strategies? To achieve the best ROI from marketing efforts in 2019, industrial manufacturers must immediately shift their dollars to better align with how their customers research, compare and buy.

Catalogs, collateral and cold calls aren’t going to be the solution to growth the way they once may have been.

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Jumping into creating content without a strategy isn’t efficient.  To attract the right customer, your efforts must be intentional. Inbound marketing for industrial manufacturers in 2019 must offer a cohesive strategy that incorporates these online tactics and uses them effectively.

To do this, a comprehensive plan must look to the following places to attract the right prospects.

  • Website: Inbound marketing starts here. Concise, targeted headlines, clear imagery, and simple navigation are key. The site should include an eye-catching and inviting home page, as well as helpful resources, landing pages, thank you pages, and a blog. Each piece should incorporate the best SEO techniques to maximize engagement of the ideal customer for your offerings.
  • Blogging: This piece often makes the biggest impact on site traffic. The average company that blogs gets 97% more inbound links. Smart, valuable content gets shared and promotes your brand. This tool establishes your company as a thought leader in the industrial manufacturing industry, where your niche customers are looking for experts.
  • Advanced Content: These additional resources are provided to prospects who click on a CTA. Prospects supply their email in order to receive a pamphlet, a tip sheet, an e-book, or a how-to guide. Other resources could include a free webinar, a podcast, templates, and research reports.
  • Video: By 2021, researchers are estimating that videos will make up 82% of consumer internet traffic. Industrial manufacturers can use this tool to provide demonstrations, tours, and testimonials that attract customers who are interested in their specific services.
  • Social Media: An effective inbound marketing plan leverages the best social media tools to reach target audiences. For industrial manufacturers, Facebook is effective for promoting culture to recruit team members, and LinkedIn is a top choice for engaging potential customers.
  • Email: This marketing technique allows manufacturers to promote their blog and share advanced content pieces. Intentional campaigns maintain communication with the best leads based on properly segmented audiences and effective sequences.

Why should manufacturers consider inbound marketing?

Why should an industrial manufacturer make efforts in each of these areas? An effective inbound marketing strategy creates:

  • A full funnel. Gated content puts more warm leads in the sales funnel and pushes them toward close.
  • Thought leadership in the industry. The manufacturer becomes the expert that prospects turn to for reliable information.
  • On-target prospecting. Intentional inbound marketing puts a laser focus on marketing efforts to attract the right customer to your brand.
  • Informed communication. Sales calls that offer a personalized pitch based on prospect interests, downloads, and viewings have far more impact than cold calls.
  • ROI. When marketing efforts are targeted and effective, manufacturers experience efficient marketing that decreases costs.


How can an industrial manufacturer create a successful inbound marketing program? The answer varies based on your industry, level of competition, customers and objectives. RH Blake may be able to help – Leveraging more than 30 years of experience building and executing successful marketing strategies for leading B2B manufacturing and industrial firms. Key elements of our campaigns include: 

  • Marketing Strategy & Consulting
  • Website Development
  • Content Development
  • Digital Marketing
  • Channel/Distribution Marketing & Awareness
  • Direct Marketing
  • Sales Support Materials & Creative Design
  • Trade Shows & Events

Forge a Marketing Partnership for a Powerful Future

Are you ready to start a conversation with the leading inbound marketing agency for industrial manufacturers? We’d love to discuss how we can develop your niche customer base and build your company into an industry leader. Contact RH Blake today at 216-595-2400 or

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